Friday, May 29, 2020

Urbanica Inc submits proposal for Dudley Street Commercial site

Urbanica Inc. has submitted its proposal for the Dudley Street commercial site. Our proposal is to fully realize the vision of a cultural center and develop a "Teacher's Place". This concept features mixed income housing and an educational center for teachers, educational support staff, as well as other families. The Teacher's Place is designed  to create a community of like-minded individuals who live, learn and support the neighborhood.

In Boston, two issues reported repeatedly are that educators cannot afford to live where they teach and that there are not enough minority educators. At Teacher's Place, increased affordable housing choices will retain educators in the community and attract more minorities to work in the educational industry.

The project will build 261 units of housing with 210 parking spaces. 100 units will be homeownership condos and 161 units will be rental apartments. 202 or 77% of all units will be affordable or workforce housing for families earning between 30% and 100% AMI.

Over 15,000 Sq Ft of the ground floor development will be commercial space, including an educational "Q space" that offers customized training programs, a micro market with small stalls for local businesses to grow, a kitchen incubator, gym and common room for residents, as well as a few other retail spaces for medium sized businesses.

Teacher's Place looks to creates a synergy with the existing resources, strengthening the identity of Dudley Square.

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